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Digital Promoting

We are Digital Promoters experts in Developing digital contents, for B2B and B2C, and positioning them on the Internet and on Digital Services Platforms (DSP) to create value and strategic messages for brands (personal and company brands), for campaigns, products, services, e-contents, groups, projects or organizations.

(*) DSP: digital platforms such as marketplaces, social networks, content-sharing platforms, app stores, ...



We are specialist in Developing different types of Podcasts as digital contents grouped by episodes or themes of interest. As Digital Promoters, we also design and implement recorded in different formats and published online on different e-platforms to expand them on-line.


We are specialist in Developing digital products (d-Products) including ebooks, music, digital art, software, online courses, and virtual goods or products. They're typically delivered to customers via download or email, to offer businesses a way to provide value without holding physical inventory.

El trabajo digital
Reunión con los colegas


We are specialist in Developing e-Marketing to market products or services offering them by using the Internet to reach the target audience on smartphones, devices, social media etc.. but also including marketing done via e-mail and wireless media, not only using the Internet.

AI for d-Contents

We are specialist in Developing  models of Generative AI for businesses threaten to upend the world of content creation, with substantial impacts on marketing, software, design, entertainment, and interpersonal communications.

Formas abstractas iluminadas
Reunión de negocios en la mesa pequeña

DigitalTechs consulting

Our digital transformation consultants work side-by-side with you to design, build and scale truly transformative digital businesses, developing Strategy for DigitalTechs development and monetization.

DP Cloudtech

We offer, optimize and manage your access to technology platforms of Cloud computing based on on-demand delivery of IT resources over the Internet with pay-as-you-go pricing.

Equipo con el gráfico

Digital Promoting is a trade mark of F.M.D. Services Limited Company registered in the EU

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